Summary Of Divine Longing & Divine Purpose

Summary Of Divine Longing & Divine Purpose

In the genesis of all things, there was naught but the boundless abyss, teeming with the primeval waters. As the epochs passed, from these waters did a spark of life arise, birthing the Creator or Creators, as fate would have it.

Their emergence did trigger an explosion of such magnitude, that it cast the cosmos into chaos and disorder. These Creator(s), upon becoming aware of their existence, were seized with a desire, a desire so potent it could only be termed the Divine Longing – the aspiration for life eternal.

This Divine Longing, like a mighty gale, didst propel them to reshape the universe from its chaotic state to one of order. They aimed to ensure that their longing for eternal life would be sustained, and upheld by the harmony of the cosmos.

With divine intent, they proceeded to craft numerous beings, both the physical and the metaphysical, each endowed with a divine purpose. This purpose was to exist, to thrive, and to steward the myriad planets and realms they inhabit. Among these beings, humankind was chosen to dwell upon the Earth and to tend to it.

In tending to the Earth, we humans contribute directly to the preservation of life, thereby fulfilling our divine purpose. Upon this divine purpose, mankind is granted their own agency, the freedom to govern their own actions. Yet, should any soul live a life contrary to this divine purpose, it shall be erased from existence, wiped from the tapestry of life. Thus, the Creator(s) didst establish the order of existence, threading each life with a strand of divine intent, ensuring the perpetuity of their grand design.

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