What is the irrefutable divine purpose of humanity?

What is the irrefutable divine purpose of humanity?

Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed thinkers, and seekers of truth,
In our time of religious complexities, confusions, illusions, delusions, distortions, and extortions,
Today, I present before you a profound contemplation, an argument woven from the very fabric of life itself. I wish to illuminate the idea that our innate survival instinct is not a mere biological happenstance, but a divine yearning, a celestial longing embedded within the heart of every living being by the creators of the universe. This sacred impulse propels us towards a singular, exalted purpose: to secure eternal life.
From the tiniest microbe to the mightiest leviathan, every organism is imbued with an intrinsic drive to persist, to endure against the odds. This universal survival instinct is a testament to something greater than mere chemical reactions and evolutionary adaptations. It is the echo of a higher calling, a whisper from the cosmos that life is meant to be everlasting.
Why else would every creature be so meticulously engineered for survival? Why would we possess such complex mechanisms for healing, for growth, and for defense if not to fulfill a grander scheme? Our very cells are encoded with the relentless pursuit of immortality, dividing and regenerating in a seemingly endless cycle. It is obvious that the universe itself, through the medium of life, is reaching out for perpetuity.
Consider the human experience, rich in its quest for meaning and understanding. Our consciousness, our ability to reflect upon ourselves and the cosmos, indicates that we are not mere spectators in the theater of existence but active participants in a divine narrative. Our spiritual and philosophical traditions across the globe and throughout history have consistently grappled with the concept of eternal life, seeking the fountain of youth, the elixir of immortality, the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
It is no coincidence that our greatest achievements as a species—our art, our literature, our monuments—are often attempts to leave a lasting legacy. We build, create, and inspire not just for the present, but for the future, for a time beyond our physical lifespan. This enduring impact is the human expression of the divine yearning for eternal life.
Furthermore, our relentless pursuit of scientific knowledge, our advancements in medicine and technology, are driven by an undercurrent of this same yearning. We seek to conquer disease, to unravel the mysteries of aging, and even to explore the possibility of life beyond our earthly confines. Each discovery, each innovation, brings us closer to the ultimate aspiration: life without end.
This universal aspiration for eternal life is called “Divine Longing” and the duty of humans intended by the CREATOR(s) called “Divine Purpose” is for us to exist and uphold this divine longing on Earth.
In conclusion, the survival instinct that permeates every living thing is not a mere biological imperative but a divine longing, an eternal flame kindled by the creators of the universe. It is a sacred call to action, urging us to transcend our mortal limitations and to aspire to the infinite. As humans, endowed with the power of reason and the capacity for wonder, we are the custodians of this divine longing. It is our purpose, our duty, and our destiny to ensure that life, in all its miraculous forms, continues its celestial journey towards eternal existence. Let us embrace this divine yearning, for it is the very essence of our being and the ultimate expression of our creators’ will. This therefor is the divine purpose for our creation: To serve the CREATOR(s)’ aspiration for eternal life.
May we all therefore be enlightened enough to see and accept this universal truth even if caught up in the myriad webs of religious complexities, confusions, illusions, delusions, distortions and extortions.

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